In folklore, people payed great attention to superstitions, traditions and ancient legends, some of them being still observed and applied these days, such as associating a precious stone or a semi-precious stone to each month of the year. This tradition is in direct connection with astrology, claiming that the stone corresponding to a certain month […]
Arhiva lunii: aprilie 2018
In folclor,oamenii au acordat o mare importanta superstitiilor, traditiilor si legendelor stravechi, unele dintre acestea fiind respectate si puse in aplicare chiar si astazi, ca de exemplu asocierea unei pietre pretioase sau semipretioase cu fiecare luna din an. Aceasta traditie este in directa legatura si cu astrologia, sustinandu-se ca piatra corespunzatoare unei luni reprezinta intocmai […]
Have you ever thought how you could integrate hand-made objects or traditional pottery in the style of your home, creating a special design? How you could bring back pieces and bits of your childhood memories, right in your house? If this year you have in mind to freshen up the image of your home and […]
Spring is the season reviving the nature as well as people’s spirits. Blossoming trees, green dressing up all corners, even the cities and the freshness of the air swirling in the scent of flowers are sensations bring everyone that extra energy. And to properly enjoy nature’s beauty, on the brink of spring, at Art & […]
Childhood, a word charged with emotion and beautiful memories, of holidays when our only worry was playing, of traditions, and of foods prepared all so lovingly, and especially of the never-ending love of our grandparents. Long-gone times always manage to bring about a dash of blue, as if they get closer with each bite we […]
Is it hard to decide what other places to visit? It is hard for us too! And this could also be due to the places previously visited and photographed in your soul that made you come back to them again and again, as well as due to those that deceived your expectations. So, as to […]
A holiday is always welcome, be it that we want relaxation, peacefulness or to discover new places, but we almost always come across the question “where to go?”. Though we have a whole country in reach, for sure, more than half is left unexplored. And since it’s never too late to be a tourist in […]
Cea de-a patra luna a anului, care aduce soare si culoare, isi are originea din limba latina (Aprilis), provenind din cuvantul latinesc aperio, care inseamna a deschide, iar motivele sunt destul de evidente, deoarece infloresc si inverzesc copacii, se deschide sezonul gradinaritului si al agriculturii, iar toate vietuitoarele si insectele ies la iveala pentru a […]
In dimineata de Paste, exista diverse obiceiuri, iar unul dintre acestea se practica in zona Moldovei, unde oamenii pun un ou rosu si unul alb intr-un vas cu apa si se spala cu acea apa colorata. Superstitia din spatele acestui obicei este ca cel/ cea care se va spala astfel, va avea mereu obrajii rosii […]
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