If in the last article we were talking about the symbol of the Horezu ceramic- the rooster, today we will discover other representative symbols and more specifically, the phytomorphic (plant-form) symbols, particularly“the tree of life”. The phytomorphic decorations constitute an important group: from leafs to trees, an entire vegetal world finds its place on the […]
Arhiva lunii: aprilie 2015
Daca in articolul trecut va vorbeam despre emblema ceramicii de Horezu – cocosul, astazi vom descoperi alte simboluri reprezentative si anume, simbolurile fitomorfe, in special“pomul vietii”. Ornamentele fitomorfe compun o grupa importanta: de la frunze pana la copaci, o intreaga lume vegetala isi gaseste locul pe vasele de ceramica. Floarea ocupa locul central al vaselor, […]
Castelul Bran este una dintre emblemele romanesti recunoscute peste hotare, datorita asocierii cu legenda lui Dracula si romanul lui Bram Stocker. Situat la 30 de kilometri de Brasov, Castelul Bran a fost construit initial pentru a servi ca o cetate de aparare, suferind numeroase modificari pana in anul 1920, cand a fost donat reginei Maria, […]
“Revelion” is the modern and current name that New Year’s Eve has in Romanian and the term is rooted in the French language- “reveillon”, where it means vigil. Until the year 153 BC, The New Year was held on the 1stof March, and it was a celebration of the death of the old year and […]
We can talk about Vlad the Impaler andDracula as one and the same character? Well, no! Dracula is a fictional character and everybody is desirable to distinguish between Vladthe Impaler ashistorical characterand his imaginary Dracula, Bram Stoker created the novel of the same name in 1897.Bram Stoker was intended to make a person from the […]
Dracula character, as it is perceived today, appears as interference between the many legends that have circulated over the years, betweenIrishman Bram Stoker novel and among facts, historical, of Vlad Tepes, also called Dracula. Prince Vladthe Impaleris an iconic image, the subject of many literary and historical creations. Vlad the Impaleris first mentioned in history […]
Once in Horezu, you are charmed and attracted by the magic of colors and the abundance of pottery vessels, which are more or less beautifully decorated. Hurezene popular pottery style continues to exert a strong interest among its fans through specific procedures that you express through traditional accumulation, and the innovations of content, function and […]
Sarbatorile Pascale ne aduc impreuna, moment in care fiecare intelege semnificatia cuvantului „acasa”. Ouale rosii, sarmalele, pasca, drobul de miel si cozonacii cu arome de cacao, rahat si nuca umplu de miresme si de voie buna casele si inimile fiecaruia dintre noi. Romania sarbatoreste Pastele prin traditii pe care le perpetuam, pe care le transmitem […]
Valentine’s Day or Dragobete? Although “Dragobete” is an authentic Romanian celebration, deeply rooted in ancient tradition, in our days there is the tendency for more and more Romanians to celebrate Valentine’s Day, which became the international celebration of love. The history of the two holidays Dragobete The Dragobete is celebrated on the 24th February, date […]
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